Creation of a warning system of anomalous water balance

and water quality changes at water supply entities of the

Kyrgyz Republic

I.A.Vasiliev, V.M.Alekhina, O.I.Starodumov

Socio-economic and political stability in Kyrgyzstan needs in creation of reliable fresh water supply.

Basic freshwater sources in mountainous and arid Kyrgyzstan are mountainous rivers and underground waters. How to use these water resources more effectively, what can happen with them and how to prevent impacts of inept management, accidents, natural events, and terrorist attacks?

The answer to these questions can be creation of a hardware-software control and warning system of water balance and water quality anomalous changes at real water supply entities of Kyrgyzstan. Up to date level of sciences and techniques development [1], the experience of the authors [2, 3] allow to describe a problem of water migration and water quality applying good physico-mathematical theories, and to find mathematical and technical solution to this problem.

The offered system in specially equipped control-and-measuring locations will allow immediately transmitting information of water resources state to a central computing server with use of up-to-date Internet-based technologies. The software allowing simulating real and hypothetical situations, making prognoses, and restoring dynamics of previous events will be established on the server. The outcomes of accounts will be processed in appropriate way and shared in suitable form among policy-makers, managers, scientists and other responsible and interested persons.

Literature cited:


2.     Passell H., D. Barber, D. Betsill, A. Littlefield, A. Mohagheghi, S. Shanks, C. Lojek, B. Yuldashev, U. Salikhbaev, R. Radyuk, A. Djuraev, I. Vasiliev, B. Tolongutov, V. Alekhina, V. Solodukhin, and V. Pozniak. 2002. The Navruz Project: Transboundary monitoring for radionuclides and metals in Central Asian rivers; sampling and analysis plan and operational manual. SAND Report 2002-0484. Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M., 87185.

3.     Passell H., D. Barber, D. Betsill, A. Littlefield, R. Matthews, A. Mohagheghi, S. Shanks, C., Yuldashev, U. Salikhbaev, R. Radyuk, Akram Djuraev, Anwar Djuraev, I. Vasiliev, B. Tolongutov, V. Alekhina, V. Solodukhin, and V. Pozniak. 2003. The Navruz Project: Transboundary monitoring for radionuclides and metals in Central Asian rivers; data report. SAND Report 2003-1149. Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, N.M., 87185.